Lakshmi Process & Engineering Consultants are one of the Leading service providers of E-waste Recycling and recovery of Copper PCB scraps in Bangalore.
1.Copper PCB scraps and routed waste can be recycled by wet process using chemicals to produce Copper Sulphate, copper oxy chloride etc. The liquid effluent arises will be sent to Authorized CETP.
2.Copper can be recovered as Copper powder by dry process of grinding the waste PCB and separating the metal mechanically. The waste powder can be disposed off as Hazardous waste to Authorized TSDF for treatment. Alternatively the waste powder can be made as pallets, a by-product which are used for underground mining and storage.
Copper PCB scraps and routed waste contains about 17% copper metal and balance glass fiber and the resin. This copper powder has got good demand in Copper Smelters for making metal.
The dry Process consists of Cutting , grinding, size separation of dense copper powder, and light resin powders. They are simpler mechanical dry operations and do not have any adverse effect on the health and environment and shall be carried out in accordance with the standards of Pollution Control Board.
Kindly Contact Us for more details.